But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. Gal 4:4-5 ESV
Timing is a crucial aspect of outdoor leadership programs. Capable facilitators plan out the flow of outdoor trips in advance recognizing that the placement of a specific component or challenge within the overall structure of the program can make or break it’s effectiveness. Thought is given to even seemingly minor details like when and where to take breaks, when to hit the trail, when to brief and debrief, and when to have meals. The felt needs of the group, desired outcomes, risk management, and a desire to keep participants in the “learning zone’, are factors that influence timing decisions.
In the book of Galatians the Apostle Paul tells us that God sent His son Jesus into the world when the fullness of time had come. A number of biblical commentators have pointed out that the specific cultural factors of the age including the “Pax Romana” helped to facilitate the rapid transmission of the Gospel. Whatever the reason that God chose to send Jesus when He did, the arrival of Immanuel so marked history that we keep track of dates
based upon the timing of His birth.
If you’re like me, it may seem to you that the timing of this Christmas season is just, well… off. The world is still so chaotic and out of sync due to COVID-19 and the ensuing social turmoil. With supply chain issues, and so many people burnt out physically and relationally it is difficult for many to get into the Christmas spirit. Let us not forget that our Savior has an impeccable sense of timing. He knows what He is doing in this current cultural moment, and we can trust that it is for our good and His glory.