You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah. 26:3 ESV
Brother Lawrence was a simple Carmelite monk who lived in 17th century France. As a humble cook in the monastery he learned the importance of communion with God during even the simplest of chores. His classic work, The Practice of the Presence of God has inspired generations to seek God in the day to day menial tasks of life. According to Brother Lawrence: “The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in His divine company, speaking humbly and lovingly with Him in all seasons, at every moment, without limiting the conversation in any way.”
One of the most powerful ways that we can practice God’s presence is through wilderness experiences. The Lord is always speaking, but when we are away from the distractions of daily life and surrounded by His creation, we are in a better place to hear from Him. I have seen this truth played out over and over again in my personal life, as well as in the lives of participants in our programs. God is present even in the mundane tasks that occupy much of our time on wilderness trips, such as hiking, gathering water, building a fire, cooking, and cleaning dishes. When we make space for God in the natural environment, and tune our hearts and spirits to His presence, He often speaks profound truths to us and provides a heavenly perspective.
I am so thankful to be part of a ministry that regularly provides opportunities for people to practice God’s presence. We are grateful for all the faithful prayers and support that make this ministry possible. May God richly bless you and help you find many opportunities to practice His presence in the coming days and weeks.