19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 11:19 NIV 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.” Mark 4:20 NIV “And thank you for Daddy’s heart. Amen.” “Daddy I thanked God for a lot of things! I thanked God for your heart, that makes you happy!” These have frequently been the words of my precious three year old daughter, as of late. While we’re gathered around the dinner table, she’s taken to thanking God for everything she can possibly think of when it’s her turn to bless the meal. “Thank you for our eyes, and our faces, and the trees, and the squirrels, and my dolls, and my dresses…..” At one point she thanked God for my heart and I told her how happy that made me, and now it’s become part of the routine. Even though it is now commonplace it still blesses me deeply each time I hear my sweet little girl pray for my heart… from the mouths of babes….. The truth is, there is a war for the hearts of men, really for every heart, but men’s hearts in particular are on our enemies’ hit list. It is so easy for our hearts to become distracted, calloused, hardened by the disappointments and trials of life. As our world spins out further and further into chaos and madness, what we need now more than ever is a new heart, a regenerate heart, one that is fully alive and receptive to the Words of the Savior; a soft and pliable center that is good soil which bears good fruit. One of the things I treasure about the wilderness experience is how God uses it speak to my heart. In the stillness of the dawn as I’ve stood on many a summit, the Lord has lovingly drawn my heart out of its shell and whispered the timeless truths of His unfailing love and sovereignty, planting them deep within the core of my being. It is my prayer that God would truly bless your heart, that He would renew His spirit within you, and that your heart would overflow with His love.